Additional Info

  • Title Untiltled
  • Size 60 x 81 cm
  • Year 1958
  • Technique Oil on canvas
  • Other informations signed Debré and dated on the bottom right

Additional Info

  • Title Arbre noir Pâques
  • Size 54 x 65 cm
  • Year 1959
  • Technique Oil on canvas
  • Other informations signed, titled and dated on backside

Additional Info

  • Title Rouge de Loire
  • Size 100 x 100 cm
  • Year 1985
  • Technique Oil on canvas
  • Other informations signed, dated and titled on the backside

Additional Info

  • Title Fall rouge New Hampshire
  • Size 121 x 133 cm
  • Year 1975
  • Technique Oil on canvas
  • Other informations signed, dated 75 and titled on the backside

Additional Info

  • Title Petit port bleu de Royan
  • Size 50 x 60,5 cm
  • Year 1965
  • Technique Oil on canvas
  • Other informations Signed OD on the bottom right, signed, titled and dated on the backside

Additional Info

  • Title Ocre rose de Ouarzazate
  • Size 33 x 41 cm
  • Year 1990
  • Technique Oil on canvas
  • Other informations Signed, titled and dated 90 on the backside

Additional Info

  • Title Tenerif ocre rose
  • Size 38 x 46 cm
  • Year 1971
  • Technique Oil on canvas
  • Other informations signed OD on the bottom right/ signed, titled and dated April 71 on the backside

Additional Info

  • Title Untitled
  • Size 12 x 18 cm
  • Year 1990
  • Technique Oil on canvas
  • Other informations Signed on the back OD90

Additional Info

  • Title Rouge tâche bleue traces vertes
  • Size 23 x 36 cm
  • Year 1993
  • Technique Oil on canvas
  • Other informations signes dates and titled on the back

Additional Info

  • Title Angkor, rose et naga vert
  • Size 46 x 61 cm
  • Year 1969
  • Technique Oil on canvas
  • Other informations Signed, dated and titled on the backside

Additional Info

  • Title untitled
  • Size 14x18 cm
  • Year 1996
  • Technique Oil on canvas
  • Other informations signed OD and dated 96 on the back

Additional Info

  • Title untitled
  • Size 14 x 16 cm
  • Year 1994
  • Technique Oil on canvas
  • Other informations signed OD and dated 94 on the back

Additional Info

  • Title untitled
  • Size 33 x 22,4 cm
  • Year 1994
  • Technique Ink on paper
  • Other informations Signed OD and dated on the bottom right

Additional Info

  • Title untitled
  • Size 33 x 22,4 cm
  • Year 1994
  • Technique Ink on paper
  • Other informations Signed OD and dated 94 on the bottom right